about how the Icelandic government and multinational aluminium giant Alcoa are trashing
Iceland's beautiful and fragile nature. Find out how you can join the International protest
camp this summer. Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton. 6.30pm. www.killingiceland.org
Sunday March 13 Eco Defence Direct Action Training at Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton.
Thursday March 24 Sweat Nothings: Globalisation, Mega-Profits and Bargain Basement Labour in
Central America. Find out how corporations are making a killing in Central America, abusing
workers, paying crap wages and destroying the environment in the process. Almost 100% of
clothing made in Nicaragua ends up in US shops and the White House is continuing covert actions
to make sure the profits keep flowing in the right direction. Cowley Club, 12 London Road,
Brighton. 6.30pm. www.nosweat.org.uk
Tuesday April 5 Meeting upstairs at Downview pub, opposite West Worthing station, from 7.45pm.
Tuesday May 3 Meeting upstairs at Downview pub, opposite West Worthing station, from 7.45pm.