Suu Kyi requests that western companies should not allow the junta in Burma the legitimacy of investment until democracy and basic human rights are restored. Lister Lutyens is one of a minority of UK companies who continue to invest regardless. Lister Lutyens do not like to be questioned about their unethical business practices, and try to avoid engaging the public in any relevant debate about the issue. I hereby appeal to activists in the UK to apply pressure until they do.
Write or phone expressing your concern to:
Nick Mottershead
Joint Managing Director
Lister Lutyens Co Ltd
6 Alder Close
East Sussex BN23 6QF
01323 431177

And follow this up with a public letter to:
Peter Lindsey
Group Editor
Eastboune Herald
Beckett House
1 Commercial Road
Eastbourne BN21 3XQ
01323 722091

For more information on the Burma Campaign UK and many discredited companies investing in Burma (including the Let's Go and Lonely Planet backpacker tour guides!), go to: