to bash women priests, gay marraige and muslims etc.
Have just heard on local KMFM radio this pm that a service held at a chursh in Dover,Kent (darkest toryland) was apparenty 'marred' by a pulpit tirade ,during a service that was supposed to be about bringing people together,from a Rev Francis.
He apparently gave a very 'tradtionalist' sermon where he bashed gay marraige, muslim
fundamentalists and women priests amongst other stuff.
The service was attended by the Bishop of Dover also.
Many people left the service during this and only later returned. Another Rev pointed out that whilst he understood Rev Francis's views, they were not appropriate for this service and were rather one dimensional- lacking any appreciationof the wider and more complex parts of the issues raised.
If and when this appears in the local press, i'll try and post it up.
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Dover's Dodgy Clergy
27.01.2005 07:52
Queen Mab