We stand against: war, militarism; the arms trade; the reliance on hard power in international relations; interventionism both military and neoliberally economic; the maintenance of immoral and artificial national boundaries; the disproportionate spending on useless military expenditure in times of ideological spending cuts; the idea that anti-militarism is in some way impractical or naive; and above all the State and its claimed monopoly over legitimate violence.
We stand for: peace, co-operation; international mediation and diplomatic solutions to conflict; the divestment of all educational institutions from the arms trade; the decommissioning (forceful if required, but not violent) of all stages of the arms trade; and above all removal of the causes of all violent conflicts, which is to say all varieties of oppression, results of the class divisions created by monetary and profit-based economics.
We stand in solidarity with: all anti-militarist and pacifist groups and activists within a broad diversity of tactics, including especially Oxford Anti-War Action, SmashEDO, War Resisters International, the Peace Tax Seven, Bradley Manning and others too numerous to mention; anti-cuts and No Borders activists; and all anarchist, grassroots democratic, and libertarian communist groups working to create alternative institutions and smash those which currently encumber and divide the human race.
Photos to follow.
Hide the following 10 comments
Don't boast of your "moral courage"
15.06.2011 09:10
You've achieved nothing - except strengthening the hegemony of the military.
15.06.2011 10:42
- Cosi
, Er, no, if you'd have done this in broad daylight and awaited arrest you'd have been a right fool. Sorry 'martyr'. Congratulations Cosi for contributing the most idiotic comment on Indymedia ive seen all year.
Being arrested or doing a runner
15.06.2011 17:20
I don't see how doing an action an avoiding arrest "strengthen[s] the hegemony of the military," but I do see how criticising a relatively small divergence of tactics does.
No War
15.06.2011 19:27
If ever we have to oppose fascism - the real brand, not tories - I suppose we can always do sit-ins and flashmobs. That'll show the bastards. Might get some very realistic die-ins as well!
to: antifascist (dreamy)
15.06.2011 20:44
You seem to suggest that this action, or others such as flash-mobs or sit-ins won't really achieve anything. You may well have a good point, but I wonder if being critical of people using these tactics is the best way forward? It might work if you were to offer (or just to do) an alternative action, but to me your comment reads as slating people that did something without you offering and alternative and not criticising people (like me) that have done nothing. As I said in a previous comment, I don't think slating people for a difference in tactics will help the anti-militarism movement. If you have constructive criticism, I think people would want to hear it. If you just want to slag off people that are basically on side but whose tactics you disagree with, you are helping the militarist establishment.
No War
real antifascists
16.06.2011 07:01
save up your dinner money (juding by the write up you are under 10).
take a trip to normandy ,and dwell on the thought of your moronic deed when loking at the graves of REAL antifascists.the entire generation that gave their life to fight hitler.
no doubt when we face the same threat again you will be in jail for cowardice as throwing a tin of paint under cover of darkness doesnt really count the same as facing german machine guns on a french beach.
how the finest generation that ever lived must be turning in their graves,
given the ultimate sacrifice for people like you.
aunty fascist
well done
16.06.2011 13:35
anti fascism and anarchism is alive and well in the uk.
what an immense feeling of pride i get looking at that picture.
the raw courage and bravery of the class warriors this movement is second to none.
when the day comes we shall be victorious!
fucking ace - a blast from the past
16.06.2011 16:03
You might be interested to know that exactly the same thing happened back in 2003 - the same army recruitment office on St Giles had its front porch/steps 'decorated' with red paint, and slogans painted around the doorway in red too.
Unfortunately, you'll have to take my word for it; I've searched high and low but can't find any record of it on indymedia or elsewhere... but don't ask how I know - I guess I just have a good memory!
old timer
a bit crap
16.06.2011 16:41
its a bit crap isnt it ?
and to boast about it and post pictures on the internet for the police to trace
really isnt to clever either.
rather embarrassing all round really.
why not confront some off duty army lads instead if you have a problem?
then you can discuss your concerns without them been under restriction.
sneaking out in the dark and throwing a can of paint then running away!
Dulux PLC
16.06.2011 20:12
Really? You don't visit here that often then!
Sarky twat