What exactly is going on inside Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, since its inception in 2007?
Now with 'an article in The Telegraph [2], urging Defence Secretary, Dr. Liam Fox to ignore calls by 'unthinking fashionistas' to visit Sri Lanka to 'help rebuild'.
The fact is Liam Fox is a front to arms dealerships and even if he is to visit Sri Lanka soon, it wouldn't be within the 'private capacity' as Liam Fox has tried to explain away his dealings with the criminal regime in Sri Lanka.
While writing "Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, has called off a visit to Sri Lanka, amid reports that his decision to lecture there violates British human rights concerns. The Oxford Union earlier cancelled a scheduled talk by Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka’s President, “due to the sheer scale of the expected protests” – an odd rationale, given that it claims to believe “first and foremost in freedom of speech” Praveen Swamy cunningly leaves out the real differences of private vs state visits.
On free speech Praveen Swamy goes on to argue that Liam Fox would have to stop speaking in the UK if one were to dwell on injustices or some other screwed argument.
All this should raise the question, beyond the obvious going ons within the 'academic' institutions of Oxford, what exactly is happenning inside the Department of Peace Studies of the University of Bradford [3]?
Anyone who'd argue that the Oxford Union is the home of Freedom of Speech (like the president of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapakse did three weeks ago) must be looked at carefully. An institution looking in to Pakistani Affairs, using known right wing Indian Brahmin media folk while being based in Bradford must surely raise enough suspicions.



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