-28 Oct - Vince Cable due to visit Oxford. He pulls out because of 'security concerns' but the counter-demo goes ahead anyway and is one of the most energetic and militant Oxford has seen for years:

-30 Oct - Vodafone stores shut down all over the country in a co-ordinated day of anti-cuts action called at the last minute, showing that people everywhere are angry, up for action and just waiting for a convenient target. This includes a fairly lively action in Oxford:

-10 Nov - Big demo in London against education cuts culminates in the occupation and trashing of Tory HQ:

-10 Nov, evening - Clegg announces cancellation:

Funny timing for a 'scheduling problem' to crop up. Does that sound like a co-incidence to you?
Keep up the pressure! Let's make Oxford a no-go zone for all such slimeballs!
Hide the following 9 comments
"Slimeball"? Really?
11.11.2010 01:26
Erm is this really a student?
11.11.2010 01:44
See ya later commenter!
Fuck off clegg!
Fuck off cable!
A despicable man
11.11.2010 11:14
11.11.2010 13:40
I think you're confusing Cambridge with Oxford. And Clegg pulled out of visiting Oxford before yesterday's demo. Other than that, I agree with your entire sentence.
The other place
11.11.2010 16:12
How dare you associate us with "the other place"? That lot punt from the wrong end you know! Even if I do sort of admire them for trashing the Tory HQ...
loose lips sink ships
11.11.2010 16:40
shut the f*** up!
11.11.2010 18:51
How do you know this? I'm not saying you're definitely wrong, but it would be good to know either way. Do you have a source/proof?
11.11.2010 20:18
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has cancelled a planned speech at the Oxford Union.
A spokesman for the Oxford Union said they were informed last week that Mr Clegg would not be able to make it.
It's only a source - I don't have proof, but I haven't been able to find a retraction anywhere.
12.11.2010 13:42
So the only actual evidence is the word of the Oxford Union, who have a vested interest in pretending that this cancellation has nothing to do with student militancy. Personally, I don't believe them. Why would they leave it until now to announce the cancellation if it had been known about that long?