The benefit? £24,000 - £28,000, bonus (discretionary), welcome payment, pension scheme, 25 days holiday
The cost? Working for a company that sells killing machines indiscriminately, corruptly and illegally!
Fight war, not wars!
In the interest of diversity of tactics, we are considering a wide range of active and passive disruption techniques - everything from leaflet distribution, die-ins and engaging stall-holders and students to more proactive (and exciting) tactics. If you have any ideas, or preferences for a particular tactic, get in touch.
The most important thing is that the BAE stall is not allowed to operate as if it were a legitimate and morally acceptable employer. With the impending cuts threatening to plunge students into even more debt than before, arms companies will be intensifying their efforts to entice graduates into get-rich-quick jobs (and it won't be them who dies trying...)
This action is targetting BAE as part of the CAAT Universities Against the Arms Trade Ban-BAE campaign, but also present will be QinetiQ, Rolls Royce, Atomic Weapons Establishment Plc, and other unsanitary sorts - with enough interest there should be plenty of moral war-fighting on offer.
Students, workers, locals, activists, concerned citizens, anarchists, socialists of all flavours, libertarians, pacifists, war-resisters, and anyone with a moral objection to the indiscriminate corporate war machine (left, right, central or none of the above!) -- you are desperately needed.
Break the war machine that has corruptly sold arms to Indonesia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe and numerous others; given bribes to receive immense contracts; spied on CAAT activists; produced parts for Trident and other weapons of mass murder; manufactured cluster bombs that remain unexploded and untraceable for years; and committed "deception, duplicity and knowing violations of law... on an enormous scale"

For previous successful actions in similar circumstances, see

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