2-6 September: keep those dates free!
...for a nuclear weapons-free future
2nd (from 2pm) to 6th September 2010
Church of St John & St Stephen
121-147 Orts Rd, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3JN

A chance for new and experienced activists to come together to plot the end of those nasty nukes.
Join us for a fun and action-packed few days of:
* Workshops & Discussion *
* Local Networking & Outreach *
* Nonviolent Direct Action Training *
* Action Planning *
* Trips to the Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment *
(where nasty new warhead developments are well underway)
TO BOOK YOUR PLACE and for more info:
Tel: 0845 45 88 361
E-mail: tpgathering[at]yahoo.com