Action Today 4pm outside the BBC, Summertown, Banbury Road, Oxford
IN SOLIDARITY WITH TRISTAN ANDERSON and the PEOPLE OF PALESTINE - see below for further information:
We are planning a demonstration and vigil in OXFORD, in solidarity with Tristan Anderson who is critically injured and unconscious in hospital and with the Palestinian people who experience daily brutality and oppression at the hands of the Israeli military. Tristan is the good friend of a Oxford Peace campaigners, who regularly demonstrates alongside Palestinian people in West Bank villages, against the 'separation' wall, the confiscation of Palestinian land, the demolition of Palestinian homes and the oppression of Palestinian people. We seek to show our support to Tristan and others who have been shot be the Israeli forces in this ongoing land grab under the guise of a 'security wall'.and to all the people of Palestine for whom this violence is a commonplace reality of life under occupation.

We will be holding a vigil TODAY Friday 4pm to 6pm outside the BBC to bring it ti their attention as they don't seem to have reporded this news anywhere on their networks. and seem reluctant to do so despite having been given the information numerous times.
PLEASE JOIN US to show strong solidarity.
Please tell all those who you think would want to join us what is happening.