the Oxford Transitional Justice Research Group present Dr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor, International Criminal Court, The Hague, on International Justice in Africa
in Africa, where the Court is compiling cases of genocide and crimes against
humanity in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Darfur, Sudan.
6.30 pm on Thursday 8th May 2008 - Sheldonian Theatre
Tickets on sale for £3 at

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The International Criminal Court was established in 2002 as the first
permanent institution to prosecute individuals involved in crimes of
humanity and genocide. Dr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo was elected unanimously by
over 70 countries as the first Prosecutor for the ICC. He was previously the
leading human rights lawyer in Argentina, being responsible for the
successful Trial of the Juntas, where he prosecuted leaders of the
Argentinian military regime for the mass killing of civilians. He is also a
visiting law professor at Harvard University.