Or has the world been deceived?
9/11 is continually referenced by politicians and MSM alike to justify everything from wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, ID cards, Guantanamo, 'extraordinary rendition', SOCPA etc
Do you trust politicians and MSM generally...?
So why trust their version of events as to what happened on 9/11?
Stop the 'war on terror' - expose 9/11!
Hide the following 11 comments
The final cut
14.01.2008 21:01
The only way to find out
14.01.2008 23:13
I have......
15.01.2008 10:41
trolls out
15.01.2008 23:25
I've seen it..
16.01.2008 15:03
That's just the facts.
the 'truth'
17.01.2008 12:10
Judging by previous incarnations, it will contain misleading, uncorroborated and unverified material presented as 'fact'
But don't believe me - make up your own mind. But please, please, please - if you see this film, do you own checking on the 'facts' contained in the film and you'll soon see that the 'truth' is a million miles away from 'Loose Change'
I've seen it as well
18.01.2008 22:34
Shill Alert!
20.01.2008 03:56
For a start, I'm sure that Indymedia will be grateful to realise that you're abusing and violating their terms, by pretending to be several different people. And the state-criminal organisation - the ones who are paying you for your empty and tragic activities - probably won't go down too well with Indymedia, either. Know what I mean?
Look ... we know very well, by now, your miserable games, and the sorry world of corruption in which you fester. Your "identities" are inventions of one, or maximum two individuals.
OK ... Here we go ... again ...
For the attention of those few readers who aren't yet up to speed on this - We have a plant, or "Shill", posting above.
Look ... WHO, but a fully paid up minion of the state-criminal parasite system, would be MOTIVATED to write so aggressively (as he - or perhaps she, but I doubt it - has) +against+ something that is +investigative+? Huh?!
Readers ... tell everyone, everyone you know to look out for and be aware of this kind of activity, and the simple logics by which its 'camouflage' can be seen through. It's actually quite useful. These Shills don't seem to be aware of how much they are INFORMING all of us, through their activities. We're looking at you, "team".
You are practicing crude little party tricks, and more and more people can see right through them. Get it?!
Mate - it's very, very clear that you've had a deeply traumatised upbringing. Who else could act as you do, for the types that employ you? (Themselves also sad, traumatised individuals, of course).
What actually motivates you to keep clinging on to your sinking, stinking ship? I guess it must be money; it certainly ain’t patriotism! Would you like to explain it to the rest of us? Because it is very baffling, seen from the world of the (relatively) sane.
How does it actually FEEL to live in your loveless world? I would guess - excruciatingly painful. Well, that’s not nice.
So, for goodness' sake, go and get yourself some proper psychotherapy, and join the world of MEANINGFUL humanity. It does exist, you know?! And all +will+ be forgiven, in the end. Yes, even that. Bank on it.
Shill Detector
ye gods
20.01.2008 23:49
For my part, I have better things to do, activism-wise.
bored onlooker
Embrace your Paranoia!
22.01.2008 00:31
Paranoia (or let us say ‘the risk of over reaction’) is the price that I will +gladly+ pay for awareness - given the situation we are in.
Now ... "paranoia" is a deeply un-trendy thing, that is the subject of tremendous social ridicule.
And this is exactly the reason why it needs to be personally re-claimed, or embraced!
Take a little step away from the situation, and think, in purely logical terms how, if you were trying to instigate mass social control, a generalised 'culture' of ridiculing the very act of thinking ‘differently’ would be a key tool.
We observe that there are strong tendencies to social conformity innate in human nature (actually, with good natural reasons so). Then - “Great. Let's exploit this tendency, 'steering it' to reinforce those public attitudes that serve our 'plan'".
So - to engineer the social stigmatisation of "paranoia" is an excellent way of closing down inquisitive thought. (There is an important adjunct to this, by the way, which is to concurrently foster some artificial, managed impression, in the public, that they are "free" to think individualistically. Look around you - it’s there, in spades).
So ... GOOD! I heartily embrace the 'insult' of "paranoia", which is, as explained, actually a compliment! Perhaps my "paranoia" will permit me to open my eyes!
There are many other detailed aspects to this particular psychology of suppression and mass concealment. For example, deriding any single "miss" by the "paranoid" person, as if one misjudgement devalued the entire approach/frame of mind. This is just a psychological trick, of course.
Another example is to manipulate social isolation toward the person concerned. "Look! You're all on your own. ‘We’ are all over here, and ‘no one else’ thinks like you do! Ha-ha-ha!" School playground methodology. Recognise the trick. Don't buy it.
So ... I call to all to become aware of the detailed 'social psychology' in which YOU are immersed! And to brave the weather of social ridicule and isolation, for the sake of thinking for yourself ... whatever this term may mean FOR YOU!
Shill Detector
24.01.2008 01:59
Just as one could point out that the paranoid label can be used to encourage conformity, equally one could say that labelling anyone who disagrees with you as a state agent has a similar effect.
Certainly I would not claim that questioning the official 9-11 story is itself a paranoid thing to do. It is fairly reasonable given that we know the lengths to which governments will go in committing their crimes against humanity. Individuals should therefore be encouraged to examine the facts and decide for themselves.
The problem is that for some of those who decide there was a conspiracy, that belief can lead to an impression of the authorities as being much more powerful than they actually are, which is not only disempowering on an individual level but also reinforces a tendency to see imaginary enemies everywhere, leading you to alienate your friends and potential allies.
bored onlooker