2) KeepSpace for Peace, Croughton, 12noon, Saturday 6th October
Bruce Gagnon, US peace activist and coordinator of the Global Network Against Nuclear Weapons and Power in Space, will be coming to Oxford on Sunday 2nd September. He will be speaking at Oxford Town Hall at 1.30pm, about US plans for a missile defence system with components based in Europe, as part of our preparations for Keep Space for Peace Week (6th - 13th October).
Bruce Gagnon, Oxford Town Hall, 1.30pm, Sunday 2nd September
On Saturday 6th October, OPC will be organising a demonstration at RAF Croughton, a US communications base, as part of Keep Space for Peace week. This is particularly important given the announcement of a US missile defence system with components based in Poland, the Czech Republic and Britain. We will be assembling at 12noon and marching round the perimeter of the base to a rally and picnic with speakers including Kate Hudson (CND Chair) and Lindis Percy (CAAB Coordinator) and live music. Transport will be provided from Oxford city centre (11am, St Giles) and will return to Oxford at about 5pm.
KeepSpace for Peace, Croughton, 12noon, Saturday 6th October
Leaflets for both events are attached. For more details, please contact us on 07967392229 /