The branch provides a voluntary, democratic system of learning, whereby learners directly influence the courses that are run.
Oxford City Council has decided not to fund the branch this year. We have requested £3000. We could continue to operate on £2000.
Last year, we ran courses for 74 learners. The profile of learners shows that we were successful in reaching a number of women with little educational background, of mixed ethnic groups and of different ages. Because the city council grant gave us a good basis for fundraising, the provision was run at a cost of £27 per learner to the city council.
We are asking the council to re-consider their decision not to fund the branch. Although a small amount to many organisation, £3000 to us could mean the difference between continuing and not.
Please support us by:
* signing the online petition at

* Passing this message onto friends / colleagues etc and asking them to sign
* Writing to your councillor at Oxford City Council in support of the work we do.
Many thanks for your support.
Catherine Little
WEA Margaret Sanders Branch