So protestors will be assembling at 11:30 in two locations, either at the St Giles end of Cornmarket Street or the King's Arms end of Broad Street where there will be people to redirect protestors to the venue, which we think might be Modern Art Oxford on Pembroke Street.
All groups pissed off at what New Labour has done over the last 10 years are welcome whether anti-war, anti-ID cards, anti-academies, anti-privatisation or trade unions.
Sunday June 10th at 11:30, see you there!
Hide the following 8 comments
30.05.2007 14:35
(If so, I won't be)
Stop the War Coalition
31.05.2007 10:04
This event is part of a series of hustings for Gordon Brown. Stop the War have called for demonstrations at these hustings and are calling on the incumbent PM to listen to the people and withdraw all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
As this is a Stop the War event Mike, there will probably be some members of UAF there, but as members of Stop the War. Why won't you go if they are there? Is this because you are a fascist or a sectarian?
Stop the War
31.05.2007 10:13
This is part of a series of hustings around the country for Gordon Brown. Stop the War has called demonstrations at each of these to send the message to the incumbent PM to listen to the people and withdraw all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. A change of policy is needed, not just a change of leader.
As this is a Stop the War event, I'm pretty sure there will be members of UAF there Mike, as members of Stop the War rather than UAF. Why won;t you go if they're there? Is this because you are a fascist or because you are a sectarian?
In reply
31.05.2007 11:55
Not choosing to stand in solidarity next to UAF people that are largely made up from supporters and members of the war mongering murder party, New Labour, does not make me a fascist or sectarian, you moron.
31.05.2007 13:40
Does the Labour Party still refer to itself as 'New Labour'? My impression is that it does not and that the term is now used by Labourleftists to collude with the illusion carried by the phrase 'New Labour' - ie that the polices of warcriminal Blair are a break with the tradition of the Labour Party.
As a plain matter of historical fact, they are not. The Labour Party has always been a pro-capitalist and pro-imperialist party. That 'dawn when it was bliss to be alive' of 1945 so lauded by cretins like Anthony Wedgewood Been saw:
The LP tie the UK to the emergent Amerikan Empire with the loan negotiated by Keynes.
Continue the polciy of hightech miliarism by the decision to develop the A-bomb.
Its nationalisation measures were a transfer of ownership which changed nothing (and generously compensated the former owners).
The Welfare State was initiated by Bismarck (more a hero for National Socialists than for socialists).
The Labour Left are hoping that all will be forgotten and they can blunder on with their absurd project. They are the 'loyal opposition' to the leadership just as the party is when no
david murray
New Labour
31.05.2007 14:16
As far as I know there is no Unite Against Fascism (UAF) group in Oxford so I doubt they will be there. Not that it would be a problem if they were.
David Murray,
You're exactly right, it would have been more appropriate to stick 'Protest Against the Labour Party' as the title but I thought 'Protest Against New Labour' was a better title and would attract most people as many people, rightly or wrongly, identify the current round of privatisation, war and attacks on civil liberties as policies of 'New Labour' rather than policies of the Labour Party.
I am definitely not a member of the Labour Party.
Duncan Money
That is an exact definition of sectarian
31.05.2007 14:23
Mike, you are the moron for not wanting to stand beside members of UAF (Unite Against Fascism) as they may be members of the Labour Party! That is exactly what sectarianism is. Surely you would want to work with anyone who wants to protest against the BNP and is a part of a coalition whether Labour, Lib-Dem, Respect or other.
Do you not support the Stop the War Coalition as it has members of the Labour Party? Are you in a Trade Union that affiliates to them and also holds members amongst their numbers. On that point then you wouldn't support workers on strike, campaigning against hospital closures, attacks on pensions and low pay? For the record I am a member of UAF and proud to be so. I am not a member of New Labour however have worked with some excellent ant-fascists from that party.
Divided, and in free-fall
31.05.2007 22:54
Now Mike is making a point that the Labour Party are a party of genocide. That is true.
And the counterpoint is few members of UAF could be described as genocidal. That is true too.
Believe me, I can understand why anyone would be reluctant to attend any demo side-by-side with anyone who had betrayed them personally. You have to remember though, on any demo, you are not standing in solidarity with the people around you, you are standing in solidarity with the people who are the focus of the demo.
So please Mike, come along, even if there are people you disagree with who will also attend. If you feel the need, wear a TShirt that reads 'All UAF are Genocidal' or whatever, but don't let personal dislikes split any cause. It diminishes us all.
"I have also tried to work within a peace movement that often puts personal egos above peace and human life. This group won’t work with that group; he won’t attend an event if she is going to be there; and why does Cindy Sheehan get all the attention anyway? It is hard to work for peace when the very movement that is named after it has so many divisions."