See below for the press release.
Saturday 19 May 2007
Debate and discussion:
A cool policy for an overheated planet
Global warming is the theme for the morning debate at the 33rd annual Levellers Day in Burford, Oxfordshire, which takes place on Saturday 19 May in and around Warwick Hall Garden, Church Green, Burford, Oxfordshire.
Speakers are veteran campaigner Tony Benn, returning yet again to the event that he helped to make a regular feature of the county’s calendar.
Another welcome returnee is Caroline Lucas, the South East of England Green Party MEP, who sits on the European Parliament Environment Committee. Caroline has written on the threat that climate change poses to the region and believes that aviation expansion’s contribution to global warming is in a class of its own.
A first timer at Levellers Day will be the rebel Labour MP for Nottingham South, Alan Simpson, whose longstanding concerns on the environment
led him to buy a derelict building in Nottingham city centre and spend two years turning it into an eco-home.
Chairing the debate is Oxford-based Mark Lynas, whose timely book Six Degrees, a warning of what could happen to the planet if global warming is not addressed, was published in March this year.
After contributions from the speakers, the audience have the chance to question their ideas and add their own views on the subject.
Music and entertainment
Music plays an increasingly important role on Levellers Day . The afternoon’s entertainment includes, very appropriately, the frontline band Seize the Day, who were originally founded to celebrate the country’s environmental movement. And Rev Hammer and Phil Johnstone will be there to perform a selection from the album Freeborn John, Rev Hammer’s epic telling of the colourful story of John Lilburne, the leading Leveller thinker and activist during the English Civil War.
Also there will be Danbert NoBacon, formerly with Chumbawamba, now a solo performer and still campaigning for radical change, and Tracey Curtis, an inspiring new singer/songwriter. Pillowfish, a contemporary folk duo, perform before the morning debate.
Not to be missed is the traditional lunchtime procession round Burford which will include dhol drummers from St Christopher’s School, Oxford and will once again be led by Cry Havoc Morris. The procession is followed by a commemoration ceremony in the churchyard to honour the three Leveller soldiers executed there in May 1649, with the dedication made by Canon Tony Williamson. The Sea Green Singers will be on hand to add to the proceedings.
Vegetarian food will be available in Warwick Hall. And there are lots of good pubs in Burford.
Ticket prices: Whole day £12 (concessions £8)
From 1.30pm: £7.50 (concessions £5)
Tickets available from or at the door.
More info:
Editors: for more details or pics contact:
Anne Lyons
Levellers Day Committee
01865 727731

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