If the US and British governments have failed to convince us that everything in Iraq is heading in the right direction, if Israel has failed to convince us that it is the only democracy in the Middle East, we can thank the journalists -- the reporters and the camera crews -- who bring us the stories and pictures of what is really going on.
Two such journalists, Caroline Hawley, the BBC's correspondent in Baghdad since the fall of Saddam Hussein until last December and Mohammed Daraghmeh who reports from the Palestinian Territories for the respected London-based Arabic daily Al-Hayat, will be speaking at a meeting entitled REPORTING UNDER OCCUPATION: War, Occupation and Freedom of the Press, on Wednesday November 1 at 7.30pm, in the council chamber, Oxford Town Hall.
They will give an insight into the difficulties, the dangers and the restrictions faced by journalists trying to report from conflict zones.
The meeting is being held only weeks after an inquest held at the coroner's court in Oxford found that ITN reporter Terry Lloyd had been unlawfully killed by US troops, on 22 March 2003, while he was covering the invasion of Iraq.
It has been jointly organised by the Oxford branch of the National Union of Journalists and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, with support from the Oxford and District Trades Union Council and East Oxford Stop the War Coalition. It aims to raise awareness of the need to speak out for the right of media workers to do their jobs free of restrictions and intimidation, because once we lose our right to know, it is the forces of injustice, conflict and violence who win.
Attached please find a low-resolution (103KB) jpeg of the poster advertising this meeting. For further information or a high-resolution or printed version of the poster or leaflets, please contact Dona Velluti at