Monday 30th October, 8pm
Bristol University Students' Union building Click
here for map.
The Nobel Peace Prize Nominated ICHAD*
Monday 30th of October, 8pm.
1st Floor, Bristol Uni Students Union Building, 40 Queens Road. Click
here for map.
Lucia Pizzaro, Internationals coordinator of the 'Israeli Committee
Against House Demolitions' will be speaking at Bristol University's
Student Union building about ICAHD's work and how people in the UK can get involved.
Briefly ICAHD occupy houses slated for demolition by the Israeli Army,
and moilze Israeli, International and Palestinian volunteers to help
re-build the thousands of houses which cannot be saved. See

for more details or contact Bristol ISM (info at
As a collection of individuals, ICHAD are particularly notable for their
detailed understanding of the physical mechanisms by which Palestinians
are controlled by the Israeli state. See for example Jeff Halper's
famous 'Matrix of Control
Waged £3, unwaged £2
Click here
for printable poster.
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