Planning meeting this Sunday 10th Sept in London; St Anne’s and St Andrew’s – 125 Salisbury Road. NW6. Opposite Brookesville Avenue.
For those who've missed previous posts about it, Faslane 365 is the campaign for a year-long non-violent mass blockade of the nuclear base. There seem to be many different groups involved from regional-based to Quakers to academics to cyclists etc. See the website on for more information.
Anyway, returning to the original subject, there's an organising meeting this Sunday for the political singing block. If you can't make it but are interested in taking part just email the group on the addy below :) Singing and music making has had a tradition to makepowerful political statements.
Whether you're a professional singer or totally tone-deaf, it really doesn't matter. Come and join the group!
Oh and a quick plug for the first Sea Green Singing rehearsal of the new term: this Thursday 7th Sept, 8 til 10pm at St. Columbas Church, off Alfred St, Oxford.