Taste of Palestine III (TOP III) organisational meeting. Following from February’s successful TOP II event, we are in the planning stages of TOP III. If you have ideas or just enthusiasm to help, come along to this meeting.
At: G&D’s, St Aldates (not Jericho!).
Tuesday 13 December, 7:30pm
Oxford PSC talk/discussion "The current situation in Palestine and the Work of Medical Aid for Palestinians". Belinda Coote from MAP (

At: Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford. All welcome.
Thursday 15 December, 8pm
PSC open meeting with a screening of "salt of the earth", a documentary on Palestinian Christians living under Israeli occupation. Tea, coffee and mince pies - all welcome.
At: RISC (Reading International Solidarity Centre) 35-39 London St, Reading - see www.risc.org.uk for directions.
Saturday 17th December
Green Fair. Oxford PSC are having a stall at the fair. We need volunteers to help run the stall. If you can help, please contact David Hilman on

At: Oxford Town Hall.
Monday 19 December - Saturday 31 December
Bethlehem exhibition at the Oxford Central Library, Westgate. For opening times over the holiday season, call 01865 815509
Tuesday 20 December, 5:15pm-6:30pm
Oxford PSC and Seagreen Singers Alternative Christmas Carols. Voices and bodies required!
At: St Michael’s Tower, Cornmarket, Oxford.