Urgent Appeal from the Locked Out Gate Gourmet Workers.
Support their march for reinstatement SUNDAY DECEMBER 4TH: ASSEMBLE 1.0PM BERESFORD RD, SOUTHALL BROADWAY. Invited speakers Bob Crowe RMT and John Mcdonnell MP
Four months on since the whole world saw the Gate Gourmet dispute on their T.V.screens the dispute still continues.
The locked out workers insist that the compromise deal is unacceptable to them. When the first letters arrived detailing the conditions on redundancy many of the Gate Gourmet workers said that they could not sign them because of the 'hidden strings' that the contracts revealed that seriously affected their future employment rights.
The financial situation is dire for the locked out workers. For four months they have had to survive on little more than £50 a week hardship money from the TGWU. They are not in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance and now the locked out workers report that the TGWU is saying that they will cease to pay hardship money from December 16th despite the fact that the dispute is not settled. In the light of this the locked out workers have set up their own hardship fund PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO THE GATE GOURMET DISPUTE FUND CLUB.
On Beacon Hill the pickets face brutally cold conditions with no shelter, heating or funds towards travel costs from their homes to the airport picket line.
This is an internationally known dispute against a ruthless global employer who has sacked a workforce on a pretext in order to bring in cheaper casual labour. The international labour movement has condemned the actions of this employer and supported the locked out workers. It is to our shame that they are not now getting the support and encouragement they need from the trade union movement and feel abandoned.
Their fight is our fight support the locked out Gate Gourmet strikers by demonstrating on December 4th and bringing donations from your branches and organisations to help them continue in their fight for reinstatement on their old terms and conditions.
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02.12.2005 19:25
mhairi mcalpine