Pregnant Oxford Mum Wins Media Award
On Friday 25th November animators, musicians and filmmakers won awards in an international media festival. The MISTY awards celebrate media producers who are using their skills for positive social change.
In front of an international audience of 150 people in Swansea, Zoe Broughton from East Oxford won a MISTY award. She was nominated for her deft skill in filming a campaigner shoving a cream pie in the face of 'Top Gear's' Jeremy Clarkson last month. The TV presenter has publicly stated that he has a total disregard for the environment.
The MISTY awards ceremony launched the 6th annual BeyondTv international video festival which took place that same weekend.
TV comedian Mark Thomas and rap artists Goldie Lookin' chain are also amongst the 14 winners. The Somerset musicians, Seize the Day, who were banned from the BBC world music awards for their stance against the Iraq, war also received a MISTY award.
Host of the MISTY awards Helen Iles said today,
'The MISTYs aim to celebrate how media can be used for much more than just entertainment. Images from a camcorder or a digital camera can educate and inspire us to looking differently at our world. It was tremendous having so many people travel from all over the world to take part in the first MISTY awards.
Its great to see Women film makers being honoured and especially pregnant ones.'
Notes to editor:
BeyondTv programme online
To arrange interviews with Zoe Broughton call 07779268832
For interviews about MISTY awards please call Paul on 01792 455900
BeyondTv and MISTY are hosted by undercurrents, an award winning arts and media charity.
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