Controversial works of art are on display across the land and play a very important function in provoking debate, are we being deprived a chance to debate a very important issue?
This is an extract from Fusion’s website the art agency commissioning this work.
“Based on these exchanges with the community, a proposal for 'Pavement Jewellery' was put forward as an appropriate public art design for the Streetscape. The idea was to create a series of textured bronze ingots to be inlaid in the pavement. Each of these ingots would feature imagery reflecting some aspect of the Cowley Road's character and history. They would also form a permanent puzzle to unravel through dialogue with and between the local populations. A team of local artists were appointed to work with Liam and further engage the local community in the creation of their designs.
The local artist team includes: Katy Beinart, Jane Walton, Gerard Hanson, Emily Fuller, Helen MacKeith, and Emma Reynard. Each artist has individually and collectively researched and consulted with the community in the creation of their images for the ingots. The ingots will be installed later in 2005 as the Road Safety Improvements led by Oxfordshire County Council are put into place. Watch this space for further details regarding progress and launch.”

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