Oxford and Cherwell Valley College, Oxpens Road (opposite the Ice Rink)
Saturday 29 October 2005, 10.30am-4.30pm
Speaker Andrew Burgin (National Stop the War Coalition Steering Committee)
Plus a variety of local speakers.
The Big Questions:
Timetable for Withdrawal or Troops Out Now?
Nation Building or State Sovereignty?
Can military intervention ever be justified on humanitarian grounds?
Why isn’t poverty history yet?
Is there a role for the UN?
What should the focus of the anti-war movement now be?
There is no need to book in advance. To cover the cost we are asking for a donation at the door. This donation is voluntary and nobody will be turned away for being unable to pay. The suggested donation is £5.00 – but please feel to contribute more if you can.
If you have any questions, email us at
