The concert took place on Sunday 9 October at the Friends’ Meeting House, St Giles. The evening opened with the Sea Green Singers performing around six or seven songs, a rich mix of anti-war material, protest songs and music from Africa, sung with their usual enthusiasm. This was followed by Paul, who accompanied himself on the guitar and sang his own witty compositions reflecting his Australian background. After another group of songs from the Sea-Greeners, it was time for country dancing with a trio of excellent musicians. People of all ages started galloping up and down the room, attempting to follow the instructions of musician and caller, Ali.
‘Mistress of Ceremonies’ for the evening was Sue Smith, who introduced us to the situation in Cuba and, between the various musical acts, gave more information about Cuban education and the health service.
Attendance was reasonable at this highly enjoyable and relaxed event, with around 40 people altogether.
Background to this event:
The US Government trade blockade of Cuba means great hardship for the people of Cuba and we are raising money for basic health & first aid equipment, and school and classroom aids, musical instruments and supplies.
The fact that the event is now over need not stop you making a donation. If you would like to do so, please contact Sue Smith,

The text of Sue’s presentation on Cuba can be found here