In an act of protest against the threats of military intervention by the U.S and its allies in Iran, five Iranian asylum seekers set off on foot from Birmingham on the 12th of March to join the national anti- war demonstration in London on the 19th of March. They arrived in Oxford yesterday, and left for London this morning looking tired, but encouraged by their welcome.
They want to bring to the attention of the public and media that the threats by the U.S and allies to intervene in Iran will significantly weaken a growing movement for democracy in Iran that seeks to overthrow the reactionary Islamic republic regime. The legacy of foreign interventions, especially those of the U.S and U.K, in suppressing past democratic movements in Iran mean that this growing movement would have to divert part of its energy to oppose and resist any intervention by foreign governments.
The asylum seekers taking part in this walk consider themselves part of this movement for democracy in Iran, and through their protest are appealing to the progressive and freedom loving people in Britain to support their struggle against the barbaric Islamic Republic regime in Iran. However, they have been banned by the Stop the War Committee from publically criticising the current regime.
The British government is currently playing a devious game of claiming to support democracy in Iran whilst refusing asylum applications of many Iranians who came to Britain after being forced to flee Iran where they were working for democracy. We ask the British public to support this walk and the greater democratic movement in Iran by opposing the threat of intervention by the U.S and its allies.
The marchers are currently heading for High Wycombe, and then on to London.
You can support these asylum seekers by contacting:
Arash Shakib on 07973-945873
Or e-mail

Political Association of Iranian Refugees Arash Shakib (Chair ) 8th March 2005
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