Avoiding the Death of WORLD SOCIAL FORUM: _ WSF
Lets Vote!
The WSF is on the verge of falling apart or becoming meaningless because it cannot move forward and world events are moving beyond it. Four years of networking (is that work?) and sharing ideas seems like enough time - and GW Bush's USA Imperialism is not waiting for us to get our act together - nor is Global Warming.
Let's vote on 2 economic proposals and planks....
Ecosolidarity Andes announces an effort to get the two tendencies in the WSF – and the World - (New Socialism/participatory democracy Vs. Anarchist Reformers (?)) - to design and present two economic programs at the next WSF for adoption. A moderate and a radical – a vague one and a clear green socialist one .
Then the whole world – anyone in a social movement organization - will vote on each section and on the overall proposals before the next forum. Then depending on if the vote is near equal (40 to 60 percent either way) then the 2 groups should split up as they are clearly polarized. If One platform gets over 60 percent then the minority groups should consider joining the larger group with some compromises.
At least we would learn something – at least people would be included in these decisions instead of having elite "organizers" determine what will be - what will happen - behind closed drapes...
Besides it seems to be the only way for economists to be forced to talk, to explain and to include the rest of us in these important decisions.
Post your ideas here, on economic list serves, wsf lists, indymedias and adbusters Autistics economics - !!

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