at The Vaults & Gardens Organic Cafe, High St, Oxford (entrance on Radcliffe Square)
**** 'Zapatista!' (Big Noise Films, 1998)
- 'A provocative, hip, graphic expose of an inspiring human struggle' (Andrew Davis, Dir. of The Fugitive).
Darryl Hannah, Edward James Olmos, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Rage Against the Machine team up with three young film makers to rpoduce ZAPATISTA!, a film from the front lines of the civil war in Mexico.
**** PLUS! 'Occupy and Resist!' - short film of a land occupation by the Brazilian Landless Workers' Movement (MST) - Dir. Richard Hering
- clips from Undercurrents films
- a talk on and slides of can mas deu, a squat in Barcelona, a wonderful example of communalising private space here in Europe, with much inspiration taken from the South American & Mexican movements.
Saturday 5th March, 7.30 pm
**** The Coconut Revolution (Dom Rotheroe, 2001)
Bows and arrows against helicopter gunships - and bows won. With a bit of help from the coconut. This has been the world's first successful ecological revolution. Bougainville is a small island off the coast of Papua New Guinea. No one really cared when the British company Rio Tinto Zinc bulldozed jungle and proceeded to dig the word's largest open-cast mine there in the sixties. Then in 1989, the indigenous inhabitants revolted. By dodging through the shoot-to-kill gunboat blockade, the filmmaker and the sound recordist documented this David and Goliath story of the 21st century.
**** PLUS! a South African AFRA documentary on the land rights of farm dwellers in KwaZulu-Natal
delicious cheap organic food on sale at the bar
Tickets 4GBP/2.50 concs to cover costs.
For tickets or info., please contact mim on 07932073091 or email

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