Campaign so that people can come together to discuss action in solidarity with Palestine.
Previous actions to come out of the Palestine Action Workshop have been
Marks and Spencers pickets and actions against Caterpillar.
Smash EDO, the campaign to close down Brighton's arms manufacturers, are
holding noise demonstrations outside EDO Tech at 4pm on Thursdays –
January 6th, 13th,20th,27th. Bring pots and pans.
Thursday 13th January – Palestine Festival UK 2005. 6.30pm at the
Sallis Benney Theatre, Grand Parade Brighton.
An evening of music and dance with The Palestinian Band for Arts and
Folklore. Organised by The Palestine Sociey – University of Brighton,
supported by Friends of Palestine, Sussex University. Tickets at The
Dome: £8.50 Students £6.50. Tel: 01273 709709. For enquiries phone
07861 395465/07906 780555 or email:

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