On Sunday19th December Tesco cut down a 150 year old Cedar of Lebanon tree outside there Slough town centre store. Berkshire Tree Lovers ask people to contact the tree surgeons to protest against there environmental stupidity.
Berkshire activists had planned a protest that day, expecting the tree to be cut down on the 2nd January 2005. Tesco bought the day of destruction forward. Protesters watched as security guards and police protected the tree surgeons. They also shouted at the treesurgeons, security guards and police and leafleted shoppers.
The tree was cut down by Homegrown Timber, a Horsham based company. Homegrown Timber have environmental policies that says:
(We will) Analyse our impact upon the environment and particularly our…..Effect on ecosystems
Encourage all persons and Organisations with which we haw contact to become environmentally aware and environmentally responsible.
Well they successfully evicted a flock of starlings and cut down a magnificent 150 year old cedar tree that could have been built around or tunnelled under. Berkshire Tree Lovers are encouraging tree lovers from around the country to contact Homegrown Timber during the month of January, and especially on Monday 10th January 2005 to question there actions in cutting down this tree.
Homegrown Timber Limited
Telephone: 01293 852700
Fax: 01293 852701 Contact: Tony Saunders

Mobiles (24 hours):
07768 871574 (Tim Lawrance)07774 447956 (Tony Saunders)