The protests focused on Aznar's support for the war on Iraq in his role as Spanish PM at the start of the war, despite the most massive anti-war manifestations and mobilisations in Spain at the time.
The visit was cancelled at the last minute, but until now a reason wasn't given.
A victory! albeit a tiny one... :)
Una conferencia que Aznar debía haber pronunciado a última hora de viernes en la Universidad de Oxford fue finalmente suspendida por presuntos "motivos de seguridad" después de que se informase de la intención de grupos de estudiantes de manifestarse por el apoyo del ex presidente a la guerra de Irak.

Two of the most important Spanish Newspapers (El Pais and El Mundo) have said that Aznar's visit to Oxford was cancelled because Aznar did not want to face the demostration that was being organised to protest for his visit and because of his engagement in the War. This is why, although he spent a few days in London, he did not come to "visit" us.
Thus, although we could not finally show our anger against him (some of us will have many more opportunities of doing so), I think that we must be happy. I think that it was a very successful final for all our plans.
Thank you to all those who participated in any way in this success.