Dear potential member,
We are a group of volunteers, refugees and representatives of organisations that are keen to keep Open Door running. We feel that it is an important community resource for refugees and asylum seekers with a lot of potential. It is a relaxed open space for refugees and asylum seekers, creating the chance to meet people from the local community, get information about services etc and eat a meal. Currently it opens once a week on Thursdays 10am – 4pm at East Oxford Community Centre (corner of Princes Street and Cowley Road).
Until recently Open Door was funded by Social Services and managed by another organisation (first the Claimants Union and then Asylum Welcome). However, the funding has now finished and there is no organisation to manage the project. Open Door will therefore close unless we set it up as an independent organisation and attract new funding. We are currently considering two bids to cover a £10K budget: one to Comic Relief (£5K for one year) and one to the Community Foundation (£10K over two years).
We have also been discussing ways of increasing the information giving and educational role of Open Door, whilst refocusing the service towards the needs of refugees who have been in Oxford for a few years but still need support, guidance and a welcoming social space. We feel that Open Door is uniquely placed to give out information to refugees in a way that encourages self-help, in a relaxed social setting, with the added advantage of creating integration between a diverse range of refugees and volunteers. Specialist advisors could also be invited to come to Open Door and give talks on, for example, finding jobs, setting up a bank account, money management, paying bills, English classes, housing rights, diet, IT skills.
However, we cannot make funding applications unless Open Door is a voluntary organisation with a formal constitution. We are therefore working on a constitution. As part of the constitution, Open Door will require members who will adopt the constitution and elect an Executive Committee at the Annual General Meeting. In the constitution we are planning, there will have to be at least 2 refugees / asylum seekers as members of the Management Committee. We are particularly keen for refugees and asylum seekers to take an active part in running the organisation and deciding how it can best meet their needs. We also require supporters who can make Open Door a vibrant, and effective service promoting integration and solidarity. If you have any comments and you are willing to get involved, as an ordinary member or as a Committee Member, please contact me at

Yours sincerely,
Saul Goode
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