OCSET squatter Mary Hunter said today "Everyone except the owner seems opposed to this plan. Most of the neighbours have been to visit and every single one of them said it's a horrible idea. We were representing the neighbourhood today, even the police seemed to realise that."
OCSET social centre was evicted again today. It was the group's second eviction from its third premises in two months. Seven police and three bailiffs evicted about 20 people, forcing entry and carrying everyone down the stairs. As soon as the eviction was finished, people (assumed to be employed by the owner, Janet Alexander) started taking the tiles off the roof and throwing them on the ground, making the place uninhabitable.
OCSET is having a short break and will reappear somewhere in East Oxford before too long. The sturgle continueses.
Hide the following 6 comments
04.06.2004 16:54
04.06.2004 17:07
thanks :-)
Video in MPG quicktime frendly
04.06.2004 19:21
Better qualerty video - video/mp4 10M
e-mail: hamish@riseup.net
Homepage: http://www.undercurrents.org
always that guy..
05.06.2004 10:13
It seems like its always that same guy who gets his arms twisted and tipped upside down by the cops.
keep it up mate
Playing M$$WMV on linux
08.06.2004 15:11
Nice one to all the OCSET crew XXXX
An Interesting story
02.07.2007 22:18
I'm interested in this story because I'm doing a research about the new building design in this site. I would be grateful if you could provide me more details about this story. Thanks a lot.
e-mail: k87104109@hotmail.com