If he had been a whistleblower for Iraqi WMD, he would have been welcomed as a hero, but Mordechai Vanunu tried to tell the world 18 years ago about Israel's production of nuclear weapons. According to the NPT Treaty none of the existing nuclear countries should provide any financial aid to any previously non-nuclear state that started to produce nuclear weapons. Vanunu thought he was safe in coming to London to give the story to our papers. But his story would have jeopardised the massive and continual financial aid going from the US to Israel.
Vanunu was enticed by an Israeli woman spy to Italy from where he was abducted to Israel. He was held in solitary confinement for 11 years, so that he could not pass on his story. He refused to promise to stay silent in return for liberty and priviledges. Now,18 years later he is due to be released on April 21st.
All over the world vigils are planned to draw attention to the stringent conditions of his release and to make sure that he is releasd. 90 people many of them famous will be going to Israel to greet him as he leaves prison - we hope. There are plans to have photos taken of all the vigils in his honour and to send them to the papers and to him.
PLEASE COME TO the vigil in Oxford on Cornmarket by St.Michael at the Northgate on WEDNESDAY 21st. April from 5 to 7pm. Wear black and bring a banner or a peace flag if you can but there will be candles there.
Hide the following 12 comments
20.04.2004 14:47
Oh. Brilliant
20.04.2004 16:01
A man is drugged and kidnapped illegally for exposing the truth about a Middle Eastern state's illegal weapons of mass destruction; held in solitary confinement, in violation of all sorts of human rights for 16 years for his honesty and STILL the Doublethink trolls emerge from the woodwork claiming that this was all OK!!!
You couldn't make it up.
Wankers. [sigh]
Support Vanunu! (and all those other people held unjustly around the world, fuckin' OBVIOUSLY!!!!)
Moshe Pitt
20.04.2004 16:58
Oh and btw did I say that anything with regard to Vanunu was ok? No, I said any government would do it. Cuba, China, the USA, Britain, ISRAEL, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, India, ETC ETC all these states would do exactly the same thing, if not more.
This is ONE GUY, arrested not because of his political opinions, not because he wanted to form a trade union, not because he cared about women's rights, but because he was revealing state secrets illegally.
Touchy touchy
20.04.2004 17:30
Vanunu did what he did because he thought nuclear proliferation is a bad thing, not because the Israeli government was (and is) made up of a bunch of mad zionists but because like President Bush, he thought it was a bad thing in principle.
Skyver Bill
20.04.2004 18:11
Vanunu has links with the Israeli far left and peace movements, who have links with Palestinian 'moderates' (like the Holocaust denier Abbas). And regardless of whether this was a principled stand, or whether it was right or wrong, or whatever, what do you expect Israel to do? Say 'oh fair game you released our national secrets even though we're surrounded by hostile powers, how principled of you'??? ANY state would have done what Israel did, except they prob would have used torture, and perhaps would have executed him, or never released him.
You cock, fdfdfd or whatever
21.04.2004 11:54
State secrets are a BAD THING, especially when they protect the ILLEGAL development of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
We at IMC do not go along with the idea that exposing such atrocities as ILLEGAL NUKES is a bad thing.
If "Israel's enemies" learnt anything from Vanunu's expose, it is that they are in danger of being NUKED if they step out of line.
I don't give a monkeys what other states may/may not have done in similar circumstances, the fact remains that Israel ILLEGALLY drugged and kidnapped Vanunu for exposing their own CRIMES.
If you can't see this, take your head out of your vicious, Zionist arse and stop trying to confuse the issue by wittering about women's rights and trade unionism.
The issue is that a rapacious and militaristic state (Israel, though you doubtlessly believe it to be a peace-loving utopia) has more WMDs (including biological and chemical weapons) than Britain.
Vanunu told the world what was happening at considerable risk to himself.
Jesus, there are few madder people in the world than apologists for Israel. Shame on you, blinker-boy.
21.04.2004 14:34
Even the Spanish anarchists would have arrested someone who on alleged pacifist principles revealed where the anarchists where keeping their arms. Now imagine its 1943 the anarchists won the civil war their agents in America have given them nuclear secrets they're (the anarchists) building a thing to build nukes to stop the Nazis winning the war against them, and some pacifist reveals this! I think they'd kill him and quite rightly!
Oh fuck off
21.04.2004 15:41
you loony
More attempts to confuse the issue
21.04.2004 15:44
Your science fiction nonsense about anarchists winning the civil war in Spain and developing nukes (somehow!) is as insulting to anyone who ACTUALLY knows anything about history/politics/peace issues/common sense as it is far-fetched.
No go away and take your anti-psychotics.
Moshe Pitt
21.04.2004 16:37
The issue is the fact that the guy is being imprisoned because he revealed state secrets. Every state would do this. So why single out Israel? There are massacres, tyrannies, ethnic cleansing, etc throughout the world, why do you care so much about this but not the others? Israel only has nukes in the first place because it is a tiny country surrounded by hostile powers that want to destroy it.
Oh for fucks sake
22.04.2004 10:51
worn out by the loony
Friendly comment
22.04.2004 11:45
Dear person-with-many-syllables-for-a-name
You sound far too sensible to be unduly worried by the unpleasantly vicious tone of most of these comments. But in case anyone is new to Oxford imc, I wanted to make the point that the people who descend to immediate abuse as soon as someone says something they disagree with are in the minority. Most people are capable of civilised discussion, thank goodness.