Although still alarmingly high, it is good to note that this is less than they got last year. On 1st May 2003 the BNP got 101 votes (17%) in the same ward.
9 or 10 activists from Calne, Swindon and Bristol (presumably heard about it through Indy-media – thanks for coming!) leafleted the whole ward on the Saturday before the election. The leaflet pointed out the criminal and Nazi connections of the BNP. In the spirit that a picture is worth a thousand words it showed three pictures:
i) Nick Griffin (BNP leader) in Libya getting money from Gaddafi.
ii) BNP organiser Tony (bomber) Lecomber being arrested, pointing out his convictions for bomb making and assaulting a Jewish school teacher.
iii) Former BNP leader, and still a BNP member, John Tyndall wearing a Nazi uniform in front of a picture of Hitler.
All of these pictures came from the excellent Searchlight web-page:

We handed the leaflet to Baggs personally in his front garden, and he was furious. The BNP were absolutely rattled and put out a leaflet in reply, which was a rabid rant, accusing us of “defecating on democracy”. Somewhat ironic you might think! The BNP leaflet also accused us of all being from outside the area (not true – Calne people were out leafleting against the BNP and Swindon is hardly “outside the area”).
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