Hundreds of 2 and 300-year old trees gone.
If the remaining trees are to be saved they need more people NOW!
At this rate the whole lot will be gone in the next couple of days.
PLEASE spread the word as widely as possible - people needed NOW!
Site phones 07931 451707 / 07708 420446
For details see

BASIC DIRECTIONS- bus to Blackwood from Cardiff or Newport (Newport is nearer). St Davids Wood visible on skyline on right hand side of valley (if coming from Cardiff- on left hand side if coming from the north) it's a 15 min walk from Blackwood High Street see directions below.
Driving - take J28 from M4, signposted A467 Brynmawr, then A4048 Tredegar and you'll find signposts to Blackwood on that road.
Along high street, find the Asda on right hand side of road-take back road straight on at a couple of roundabouts- find the Rock and Fountain pub, take road up the hill past the pub up to old railway line. Walk along track follow the yellow jackets trail of destruction, camps on the right in lovely trees.
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