01/03/04 : Student Fairtrade Fortnight Launch
1.15pm - Help launch Fairtrade Fortnight by spelling out MAKE IT FAIR across the Rad
Cam Square in people. Please wear black if possible or bring a black coat or gown.
01/03/04 : Oxford Economics Forum: What is fairness?
7.30pm at the Oxford Union (upstairs). £3.50.
01/03/04 : Trade Justice Services in Mansfield Chapel
On Monday 1 March there will be worship service at 6:15 pm in the Mansfield Chapel with Trade Justice as its theme.
03/03/04 : Bring & Share Supper with Justino Peck
7:30 pm at the Wesley Memorial Church. Contact: 01865 874778
04/03/04 : Fair Trade Wine Tasting
8pm on @ Queen College: Fair Trade Wine Tasting with talk by Lynsey Holley from Tearfund. Organised by Oxford Speak.
04/03/04 : Make It Work: OSFC Fairtrade Panel Discussion
7:00 pm at Somerville College.
06/03/04 : Festival @ St Michaels
11am till 4pm at Fairtrade @ St Michaels - Cornmarket, Oxford.
09/03/04 : How Fair Trade Purchasing Relieves Poverty - Talk
1:00 at the Oxford Quaker Centre.
13/03/04 : The Plants Behind the Products
A special exhibition at the Oxford Botanic Gardens.