Corporate Watch is a small, independent cutting-edge research group run as a workers co-operative and based in Oxford, England. We conduct research and analysis to expose the mechanisms by which corporations operate and the negative effects they have on society and the environment.
We are looking for a researcher/analyst with some experience to work on our Corporate Structures project, investigating the legal rationale, structures, ideology and psychology behind corporate behaviour. We're looking for someone with a healthy scepticism towards corporate PR and 'Corporate Social Responsibility' programs, who not only has an active interest in getting to the bottom of what makes corporations tick but is able to write and educate others.
We pay a basic wage (currently £9,300 p.a) for a 30-hour week. Corporate Watch operate a non-hierarchical structure and workers are expected to take a share in running the co- operative including fundraising, admin, decision-making and cooking communal lunch.
Corporate Watch is run by activists for activists. If you expect to be told what to do, or are looking for a rung on the NGO/media career ladder then Corporate Watch is definitely not for you! If you want the chance to live and work for what you believe, this could be what you're looking for.
This job is based in our Oxford office and will start in January 2004. It is also likely that an 'information officer' position will be coming up in the new year.
If you are interested, please send us your CV and a sample of your writing on a topic relevant to our work (2000 words max. please). By November 21st 2003. Inverviews will happen in Oxford during the first week of December. Send applications to