The Oxford Students' Activist Network (OSAN) is a new organisation that seeks to
create a platform for co-ordinating actions and campaigns on a wide variety of
issues, and act as a space for radical politics in Oxford.
Then just come along to the first meeting of the Oxford Students' Activist Network
Date: Wednesday 15th October
Time: 8 pm
Venue: Flora Anderson Hall, Somerville College

But what is OSAN?
The Oxford Students' Activist Network (OSAN) is a new organisation that seeks to
create a platform for co-ordinating actions and campaigns on a wide variety of
issues, and act as an alternative to the already existing avenues for mainstream
politics within Oxford. We have close ties with the Oxford Students' Stop the War
group (

wider concerns over and above the war on Iraq/terror as well as serve as a nodal
point for other activist groups in Oxford.
What are the kinds of things we do?
While we would like all those attending the first meeting to determine OSAN's future
agenda, we already have some actions in mind. These include organising protests
during George W. Bush's upcoming visit to the UK as well a possible demonstration
when Madeleine Albright visits Oxford. However, your ideas on what OSAN can and
should do will be fundamental to its success.
How do we work?
You will find below a copy of our proposed Basis of Unity that lays down the broad
principles we want to adhere to. But since we are a non hierarchical organisation
based on consensus decision making, even this Basis of Unity statement is open to
revision. This is YOUR group. You can add your suggestions at

We hope to see you all there!
in love and struggle,
Basis of Unity Statement:
1. We oppose all forms of domination and discrimination, including those based on
race, colo(u)r, caste, creed, religion, gender, sexuality, and nationality. We
reject imperialism, unjust wars, capitalism and other exploitative systems of
economics, environmental destruction, and all other forms of injustice and
2. We believe another world is possible, in which both individuals and communities
enjoy the autonomy necessary to determine their own destinies. We also recognise the
gross abuse of concepts such as 'democracy', 'human rights' and 'social justice',
and thus strive for a more genuine and meaningful realisation of these ideals. We
are therefore in solidarity with all local and global social movements working
towards these ends.
3. We embrace all forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed
peoples' rights.
4. Our organisational philosophy is based on decentralisation, autonomy and
non-hierarchical decision-making.
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