Justice in World Trade Demo in Oxford
Saturday 13th September
Assemble Manzil Way at 11am
Called by Oxford for Trade Justice
Supporting Organisations include: Amicus-MSF, Brazil Solidarity, Campaign to close Campsfield, Christian Aid, Christian Concern for One World, Fair Trade Coalition, Freinds of the Earth, Globalise Resistance, Oxfam, Oxford Quakers, Oxford Trades Council, Peru Support, Socialist Alliance, SWP, Unison, West Papua Rifgts Camnpaign, World Development Movement
Bring banners and whistles!
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For further information
11.09.2003 18:57
Or contact oxtradejustice@yahoo.co.uk or jporter@aebbas.freeserve.co.uk
Julieanne Porter
e-mail: oxtradejustice@yahoo.co.uk
Homepage: http://www.yvs.eu.com/otj