~ * ~ @ War is Terrorism @ ~ * ~ @ Peace is Fun @ ~ * ~
** Special Announcement! **
~*~@ purple~peace~pixies @~*~ at the Fairford RIAT
They sing, they dance, some play wee drums and others just whistle! Some Purple Pixies collect money for Iraq children's charities, others are just around to make everyone smile! Come and join them!
How to be a ~*~@ purple~peace~pixie @~*~

Gather a peace pixie posse of between 3 and 7 people, come and play and sing and bring peace, light and laughter to these rural lanes. Scatter purple petals, hand out sweeties and leaflets, be a pixie tour guide for a day or more, tell the RIAT tourists that pixies want the Cotswolds back for good.
~ * ~ @ War is Terrorism @ ~ * ~ @ Peace is Fun @ ~ * ~
Purple Pixie charity collections for:

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