We invite you to come to Lausanne where, once together and in a collective and self-determined fashion, we will make the decisions which will finalise the way that these blockades will be organised. Everyone who is interested is invited Saturday, Mai 31st at noon in the alternative village in Lausanne. We don't have the pretension to privilege in advance one form of action over another and wish to create a varied opposition in the spirit of autonomy, solidarity and the respect of different ideas...
So, we welcome all enraged pirates, sons and daughters of the wind, and other piqueter@s to Lausanne!!!!!
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A different tactic for every different bloc!
21.05.2003 14:21
This requires organisation and preparation: this isn't Mayday in London where we play follow whoever decides to head somewhere randomly. Its not Genoa 2001 where plans were fucked up and there was a massive riot instead. Its not Kananaskis where the summit location was so remote that a blockade was impossible. The actions of the week 29th May to 3rd June must be our most organised confrontation with global capital yet - organised because we need to win this time and organised because of the sheer scale of what needs to be planned and coordinated
Individuals will will need maps, protection from the effects of gas (goggles and face masks minimum), and a tight group of people (not necessarily friends, but people you can depend upon for the duration of the actions) to keep an eye on you and prevent you getting into trouble. More importantly, individuals need to participate in a process of organisation that can only succeed if everyone is on board; plans need to be coordinated with other groups, not only to make for a more effective *total* blockade, but so that protestors with different tactical desires can carry them out without risk of being involved in something that they disagree with.
The only advertised bloc in Lausanne thus far is Pink Silver, but those who wish to effect proactive confrontation or pacifist protest should organise right now to bring about an abrupt halt to the G8s ritual annual slap up bonanza!
Stop the G-HATE!
not actually from lausanne
21.05.2003 14:30
uk @
21.05.2003 15:43
Please, those interested in direct action and blockades, creative and confrontational, come to Laussane and make sure that the delegates don't get near that ferry.
Much love,
Matt S
we need to meet earlier
21.05.2003 17:14
daily spokescouncil
21.05.2003 17:29
See you soon!
One last thing about overall strategy
22.05.2003 10:03
NGO/leftist actions that could result in some blockades, but I doubt there is much
room for much more to organise or get involved with in a non-hierarchical and
decentralised manner.
In Lausanne things are different - people have the chance to create something -
and I may be wrong - from scratch. It is no use putting on a display of numbers in
Geneva if the total strategy (Annemasse, Geneva, Lausanne) does not hold up: 2
million didn't manage anything in London against the war, a mere 5000 in Prague in
2000 managed to stop the IMF and World Bank.
Its all very well stuff happening in Geneva - its great to see this happen - but if
this is to be an effective blockade, people need to come to Lausanne to help plan,
initiate and take part in actions that can only flow from their active participation.
At the moment the campsite in Lausanne is looking a bit dodgy as far as
repression from the Swiss authorities goes, but its up to us not to give in to this -
we need to be dynamic. If the Swiss authorities *really* don't want us in Lausanne, then we
should take it as a sign of weakness that we need to exploit.