Notts Indymedia are pleased to announce the first edition of the Notts Indypendent, an offline community newspaper reporting on local campaigns.
The publication was unveiled at Nottingham's Mayday demonstration. Further copies will be distributed to homes in Nottingham in the run-up to the general election. Copies are also available from the Sumac Centre and the Sparrows' Nest. Alternatively, you can download the pdf copies below and print your own.
In this issue:
Election madness grips Nottingham: A round up of unlikely promises and public appearances from the normally unresponsive political class.
Cuts begin to bite: The Labour-led City and Tory-run County Council are hacking away at public services.
Save Radford Unity Centre: A well loved community centre is the latest victim of Jon Collins' underhand dealings.
It's a dog eat politician world: Dog bites Tory action.
People's histreh of Nottingham: 20 years since the poll tax.
Tesco's plans for world domination continue: Every little hurts.
Plus: Community announcements, online listings and more!
nice one!
03.05.2010 19:58
hackney solidarity :)
Proper job
04.05.2010 13:41
have a cider on us
Hereford Solidarity