101 animals already die every day inside Leicester Uni's existing labs, which is amongst the highest numbers in the country. At a cost of £15million, the new 4,000 square meter facility aims to add to this.
For more information, please the National Anti-Vivisection Alliance (NAVA) website - www.noleicesterlab.co.uk
Please also politely contact the University of Leicester and ask that they scrap the plans for a new animal torture lab:
University Road,
Leicester, LE1 7RH
Tel: 0116 252 2522
Fax: 0116 252 2200
Other University of Leicester sites:
Northampton Centre,
Northampton College Building,
Lower Mounts,
Northampton, NN1 3DE
Tel: 01604 736215
Departmental contacts directory >>>

Professor Robert George Burgess (Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2322

Professor Martin A Barstow (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 3492

PA - Sue Howell - Tel: 0116 252 3497 //

Ms Christine Fyfe (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2320
Fax: 0116 252 2066

Professor Elizabeth Murphy (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2842

Professor Douglas Tallack (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2679

Professor David Wynford-Thomas (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2962


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02.05.2010 21:41
Loss of confidence...
03.05.2010 11:20
When are we going to see some real commitment to a campaign? It doesn't instil any confidence when people set up campaigns only to move on when the going gets tough.
04.05.2010 08:11
Dear Peter
Re Mr Peter
06.05.2010 00:41
Covance - unacheivable with a hand full of activists, there's no denying that.
B&K - Still getting protests, althought it has now been taken over by Marshall and the site is not currently being used for breeding and is now just a sales office, for the moment.
Leeds Uni - In recent years, has there every been a campaign against Leeds Uni? No, but like any animal lab they get protests.
Bradford Uni - Still regular protests against them and their collaborators and it is, infact, progressing to a national level with the formation of the National Anti-Vivisection Alliance.
The campaign you refer to as further down south, I'm guessing you're meaning Leicester. Leicester is not a campaign of one group, but part of a coalition which is focusing on every university in the country performing vivisection of which Leicester is the consorted campaign which every group involved is taking part in.