£8/£5 concessions
To make sure you have a seat you can book by calling Matt on 07849 392 842.
These fascist thugs are threatening to invade Dudley this Saturday 3rd April. Previous marches by the EDL in Bolton, Stoke, Birmingham, Luton, Manchester, Nottingham & Leeds have seen racist violence on the streets, the defacing of a Mosque and Asian shops being smashed. We cannot stand by and let these racists attack any section of our community.
The march in Bolton on Saturday 20th March was seen as a turning point by many, as protesters saw police using extremely violent and heavy-handed tactics towards anti-fascists, whilst allowing the EDL to run riot. The EDL were hurling missiles such as empty spirit bottles, beer cans and coins at the UAF side, and in particular at a group of Muslims which included small children.
The police unsuccessfully tried to keep a large group of local people, mostly black and Asian youths, from joining the UAF protest, and as soon as they arrived the EDL finally showed their true colours in a way that the even the police could not ignore, and the racists were pushed back out of the square. This was another victory for the anti-fascists against the English Defense League, who were driven back, contained, and therefore prevented from rampaging through the Asian areas of Bolton. However, this was ONLY because a greater number of anti-fascists were there to stop them. We need to make sure that even more people, from all different cultures, religions and ethnic backgrounds, come together in Dudley to oppose these fascists.
The focus of the EDL protest in Dudley is the building of a new mosque, which Dudley council unsuccessfully opposed last year-an unbelievably crass act of narrow minded anti-Muslim bigotry which has created ideal conditions for the EDL to whip up anti-Muslim hatred.
UAF supporters are therefore requested to mobilise and assemble at Market Square, Dudley at 11am for a peaceful, orderly counter-protest against the EDL and anti-Muslim hate crimes. This is a national demonstration organised by the UAF.
The anti-fascist counter-protest is going to be a HUGE national mobilisation, with coaches coming from all over the country!
On 3rd April, Dudley WILL remain a fascist free zone! To join the rally from Nottingham, you can join us on the coach organised by Unite Against Fascism and Love Music Hate Racism - it will be setting off at 8 in the morning from outside the Old Sal on Maid Marian Way and will cost £8/£5 concession. To make sure you have a seat you can book by calling Matt on 07849 392 842.
Coach tickets can also be used to gain FREE ENTRY to the next Love Music Hate Racism gig in Nottingham, taking place this Sunday April 4th at the Maze on Mansfield Road!
EDL racism for all to see....
28.03.2010 19:27
Here's a very brief example......
And note that Mark Lawson has his interests listed as BNP/EDL activism.
dudley dave
28.03.2010 19:35
Be careful. And stay alert. After the Bolton demo a man was stabbed by EDL supporters.
dudley dave
Stay outside the police kettle -
28.03.2010 21:36
Nazi Protestors are definitely EDL -
EDL admit their leader's BNP -
61 arrests in bolton
28.03.2010 23:38
We're doing it right.
We should all stand shoulder to shoulder with weyman bennett and pay his fine.
43 group weren't real anti-fascists
re 43 group
28.03.2010 23:56
1 - Weyman should not pay his fine on principle, as many people choose to do. Or if paid, UAF Should pay everyone's fine that day.
2- best for people to stay mobile out of kettle away from police. Look at Glasgow and edinburgh both times mass mobile groups of anti-fascists prevented the EDL/SDL from gathering and marching.
And if you can pick off and lame ducks, all the better.
oi oi
don't get penned in...
29.03.2010 07:39
dudley dave
racism and fascism in their own words....
29.03.2010 12:38
This is one example amongst thousands of racist remarks on Facebook / You Tube / Stormfront....
And look at the shite they right on their home page about Unite. I thought they existed to protest against Islamic terrorism.... now they are attacking workers on strike too! Cunts!
Bobsleigh warns people about the Red Flag
29.03.2010 13:02
Stay outside the police kettle -
28.03.2010 21:36
he warns people to "stay outside the police kettle, and DON'T fly and Hammer and Sickle flags..."
... like people are really worried about the red flag.....like maybe Bobsleigh is the boss around here and is the only one making a fuss, like he tells people what they can and cannot do...like he fucking owns the place and has some authority..... He is clearly more worried about a PR victory for EDL..which the EDL have already without red flags present .... he is giving them one already before the demo has even started.
What can you possibly mean by a hammer and sickle giving the EDL a PR victory? Sounds quite absurd really...unless he can explain it. (I doubt it)
He has probably warned the police as well that communists may turn up and start hurling half bricks at the EDL along with a few molotov cocktails and that the police need to be ready for them. Bob agrees that communism poses a greater threat than fascism as it advocated directly dealing with nazism. But we see little of this in Britian so whats Bob worried about? Bob would probably rather see nazi salutes than a hammer and sickle? Maybe. Although i do agree, that we should not be kettled.
Replying to Jon.....
29.03.2010 21:30
And Jon yes of course explaining how anyone a flying Hammer and Sickle flag at an Anti-Fascist counter-protest gives the EDL a PR victory is EXTREMELY SIMPLE TO EXPLAIN.
Extreme left symbolism allows the EDL to present themselves as victims of a hard-left conspiracy, rather than as people whose hooliganism and whose connections with Fascists disgust ordinary members of the public. Extreme left symbolism allows the EDL to misrepresent their opponents as supporters of the sort of Stalinist, Maoist, Trotskyist and/or Leninist brutality and authoritarianism that is distrusted by ordinary people as much as most people distrust Fascism. And no of course I have not "warned the police as well that communists may turn up and start hurling half bricks at the EDL along with a few molotov cocktails" and the fact Jon is reduced to pretending I "probably" have speaks for itself!!!
As for the important issue - I never had difficulty avoiding police kettles - just keep looking over your shoulder and if you see a police line forming behind you a/ walk through it quickly before the police have the numbers to block you b/ shout out a loud and clear warning to your comrades to move fast to avoid being penned in. Stay vigilant and keep moving :)
well done afa,uaf,nottstopthebnp,nothing british about theBNP&dudley dave
29.03.2010 21:49
Would wind up far less people if we made less vague chants of whose streets "our" streets & police protect the nazis when it isnt so black & white, its definteley a mix.
Lots of love
@ bobsleigh
30.03.2010 10:12
you ask "Seriously, do you actually DISAGREE with that suggestion?"
If you had read my comment before you posted your response you would have read at the end "i do agree, that we should not be kettled."
Concerning red flags and all other manner of symbolism you may like to catogorise a "extremist" appearing at demos, well you could argue in favour of banning the red flag altogether in that case, then play right into the hands of the European far-right and nazis sympythizers who are power in some of republics of eastern europe (Baltic) who seek to criminalise communist symbolism. I am sure the EDL etc would love that too. Now you may agree with the banning of communist symbolics and you may feel red flags should not appear at any demos in Britain, or anywhere for that fact, because you personally dont support it, (fine, its your personal opinion) but i don't subscribe to that particular view, and i believe it to be of personal opinion how one see communist symbolica. The far right have been gaining popularity in this country not because there is a "communist conspirosy" (EDL propganda) or that there are red flags flying everywhere (i dont see many actually) but because the very system communists seek to overthrow actually breeds racism and fascism. Surely that is not the biggest threat to capitalism and its fascist trappings? Surely one lone red flag appearing in sea of trot, burnt out leftist propganda is not going to change the world... or does it really threaten the leftist movement in this country? I wonder how many in the left as well as the right would like to see the criminilisation communist symbolics?
Communist Anti-Semitism
31.03.2010 00:02
No allegation made
31.03.2010 12:01
Over 20 million lives lost in the Soviet Union in the struggle against fascism….ring any bells…Bobsleigh? Or maybe equating “Stalinism” and Nazism? I am sorry, but what your saying sounds like you feel some bitterness towards communism over your personal grievance over relatives suffering in Soviet Russia. That’s understandable…Many people feel bitter over one thing or another….may be they were innocent….or maybe they were not. I am against accesses and violations that took place in that country too. Generalising the issue and blaming “communism” completely gives a blurred and distorted view on history. However a careful study of the processes at the time reveal differently. I know Jews in Russia who lived very well under Soviet rule. Both men and women had equal rights. They had very good jobs especially as intelligentsia and personally suffered no persecution because they were Jews. They did very well out of the system. In fact there are many Muslims that live in Russia and also did not suffer mistreatment either. They weren’t forced to wear veils etc and there was no radical Muslim fundamentalism, and racism was banned under Soviet law. But of course if you create the conditions for it to breed, i.e. restore capitalism in Russia, then it will breed. Under Soviet power, an African or Asian could walk the streets of Moscow without fear, and study freely. But today, he or she is the target of fascists….and not to talk of the Muslims and Asians that also get attacked and murdered regularly. Surely you should know these facts. The conditions have been restored in that country that breeds this kind of thing. All of it is happening not under the Red Flag, but under the Russian tri-colour pro-Vlasov flag who betrayed the USSR for Nazism. Your attacks on Hammer and Sickle “merchants” as you like to describe them win you no support from many ordinary Soviet people who lived far better under Soviet power than they do under capitalism today, except if you are an oligarch, and in fact they are an insult to them. Maybe you lack true understanding concerning Soviet history or just another middle class “merchant” of petty bourgeois ideas.
Kolya a Soviet citizen
hammer and sickle
31.03.2010 21:54