KFC tortures and kills more than 850 MILLION hens each year to make their unhealthy junk food. Birds are crammed by the tens of thousands into sheds that reek of ammonia so badly that you would fear passing out if walking through them. Each bird has a space smaller than a piece of notebook paper, not even enough space to spread one wing - FOR THEIR ENTIRE LIVES.
To prevent disease, worrying amounts of antibiotics are used. To prevent them pecking each other they have their beaks cut off without anaesthetic. Broken legs and wings are common and ignored.
Undercover investigations have shown KFC slaughterhouse workers stamping on chickens and throwing them around like footballs..
The protest focussed on providing the general public - especially KFC customers with information about the routine behind the scenes cruelty of the junk food giant.
Several were horrified to the point of promising to henceforth boycott kfc, almost all took a leaflet to read and consider.
To find out more about KFC and see some footage for yourself visit:

To get involved in stopping them, join your local animal rights group.