The dates 27th to 30th August have been chosen to fit in with the Peace News Summer Camp (July 23rd - 27th) and the Earth First Gathering (to be announced soon).
It is understood that Climate Camp may not have a big show-piece event this year, but rather have grassroots regional gatherings. Whilst that decision is not yet finalised this would help avoid the clash of dates that occurred last year.
ARUK2010, the National Animal Rights Gathering, takes place over the Summer Bank Holiday Weekend, near Northampton. It promises to a great weekend not to be missed.
A weekend of talks, discussions and workshops on a wide range of issues and activities related to animal rights campaigning, as well as a chance to relax with like-minded people and socialise and network with other campaigners from all over the UK.
The will be a planning meeting on Sunday 9th May (see

See the report on the 2009 Gathering at

Get in touch to get involved - yeah right but only if your face fits!
09.05.2010 19:33