Protesters celebrate as Vintage Warehouse adopts No Fur Pledge
window stickers available by e mailing
This is the fourth shop to take on this policy with the group after Kitsch, Baklash and Cow all taking on fur free policies with 'Cow' even having a meeting with their head office discussing the possibility of a fur free policy in their Manchester, Birmingham and Sheffield stores after the protest in Nottingham.
The group will now be stepping up their campaign with Cashe (a children's designer clothes store that unfortunately still sell real fur) now that Vintage Warehouse have taken on this policy.
Cashe in the past have had demonstrations outside their store and have even agreed to sign a fur free pledge with the group, but when protesters met with the manager again she told them she had changed her mind and will take all the fur off the shop floor, but will still sell it on their website or will sell it to customers if they come in and ask for it.
Members of the Campaign for a Fur-Free Nottingham believe that the store obviously still want to make money off the cruel fur trade but do not want the bad publicity that goes along with it. In a recent protest at the store at which an Evening Post photographer was present, protesters noticed that some items of real fur had made their way to the shop floor, but were quickly removed during the protest.
The group was recently approached by the manager of Past and Present, a vintage clothes shop in Nottingham, asking did the group have a display sticker he could put in the window of his store as he never had and never will sell real fur, but understands the importance of vintage shops also taking a stance against fur given, the impact that 'vintage' fashion has had in helping fur make its way back into the market.
Window stickers are now available from the group by simply asking via our email address.
The next demonstration will be at Cashe at 12.30 on Friday 19th February. (42 Pelham Street, Nottingham, NG1 2EG)

window sticker
03.02.2010 15:13
Campaign for a fur free Nottingham
03.02.2010 15:41
@ Vegan
03.02.2010 16:21
Reply to vegan
03.02.2010 17:30
Campaign for a fur free Nottingham
Reply to vegan 2
03.02.2010 17:36
Campaign for a fur free Nottingham
Still doesn't make sense
03.02.2010 18:30
This is why as a vegan and an anarchist I want nothing to do with AR groups, there's no sense of perspective.
Second hand fur
03.02.2010 19:14
There are some who believe that buying fake fur is promoting the wearing of real fur. We're not all going to agree on that one. However I do believe that it's better to campaign to stop the selling of real fur in the UK than do nothing at all.
03.02.2010 20:13
And folk wonder why AR activists get called nutters.
come off it vegan
03.02.2010 20:37
@ miserablist
03.02.2010 21:44
03.02.2010 22:52
Furthermore, why would you picket a place for specifically selling vegan food??? Are you feeling ok?! You're quite clearly getting mixed up with the stereotypes of sausages being from meat, milk coming from breasts and cheese/marge coming from dairy; similar to the stereotype of a 'real meal' centering around dead animals. Stereotypes are the basis of ignorance and discrmination, as an anarchist I would of thought you'd work that out by now.
This is why AR groups want nothing to do with you, you have no sense of perspective.
04.02.2010 08:47
Real vegan
No place for real fur except on animals
04.02.2010 10:03
Well done
04.02.2010 13:30
keep to the facts @
04.02.2010 15:41
16.02.2010 16:31
As for the action, well done!
a radical fool
I guess that depends..
16.02.2010 18:23
Holocaust happened100%,lampshades didnt, vivisection by Bayer on kid did happen
18.02.2010 01:00
Some soap of holocause victims was made but not on a mass scale. The victims were travellers, disabled, jews, anarchists & communists.
Vivisection on kids without anaesthetic by Nazi doctors Like Dr Mengele on the request of IG Farben owned by Bayer & BASF did happen 100%. What is even more shocking is that the "good" methodist & "philanrophst" John D Rockefeller merged standard oil now Exxon with IG Farben in 1941.
Nuremberg Trial Judges wanted to felt IG Farben executives were as guilty if not more than leading Nazis but they were given vvlight sentences & many resumed high ranking positions after the war!!!
Iam a veggie for environmental reasons& sustainability reasons, though I do not condemn all low impact hunter gatherers without access to synthetic materials or decent looms.
AR people are mostly calm& considered people,I have not brought animal skins except shoes when Ive had to. Ive worn a leather bomber jacket Ive had 20 yrs occasionally at activist centres in Nottingham & not had any problems.
I understand the tactics behind this& I support it, not as a animal rights activist, but as a universal rights activist.
Dont get petty,Nottm AR people arent, their a good laugh, every cause every group everywhere has afew people who go too far & the media are on a witch hunt against "AR" activists.
Univeral rights activist
13.03.2010 12:29
jennifer Mills