Why protect bees?
The bee population is rapidly diminishing and yet bees are necessary for a third of vegetable crops and fruit trees and are vital to natural ecosystems.
What stage is the project at?
Owen and Libby have located space on seven community allotment sites across the city and they have started off lots of wild flower seedlings. They are now looking for volunteer support with the next stage of the project!
Volunteers are required to assist them clear allocated allotment spaces i.e. dig up weeds and prepare soil ready for planting (removing stones and other debris which may interfere with the plants growing). Other work may include moving some heavy stones/debris, landscaping (following/working to a design layout), working within a team. (This will take place during FEBRUARY 2010).
In the longer term, they would also like help with planting the seedlings they have grown at the various sites.
They would also like assistance with the displays i.e. sign posts explaining the importance of bees and other insects vital for the natural ecosystems. Assistance may also be required with creating nesting sites for the Queen bees and organising an educational family event about the importance of bees in Nottingham.
If you can help, please e-mail: