Islamophobia - bigotry against Muslims - is as unacceptable as any other form of racism. Its aim is to divide us by making scapegoats of one community as the Nazis did with the Jews in the 1930s. Today they threaten the mosque, tomorrow it could be a synagogue, temple or church. Today they threaten Muslims, tomorrow it could be Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, blacks, gays, travellers or any other minority.
Fascists have been beaten before by people standing united against them: at Cable Street in the 1930s, Lewisham in the 1970s and in Derbyshire last summer where black and white, young and old, Hindu, Christian, Muslim and Jew, gay and straight all came together to oppose the BNP’s fascist rally. Now we must keep Stoke a No-Go Zone for Nazis.
Stoke on Trent has been portrayed in some media as being a stronghold of the Nazis - with 9 BNP councillors - yet this is not the case. The BNP leader in Stoke recently resigned due to an internal dispute and Nick Griffin has announced he will not be standing for MP in Stoke, most likely due to strong opposition - as shown by the Love Music Hate Racism carnival held last year in Stoke in Britannia stadium attracting over 20 000 people to show opposition to racism.
On 23rd January Stoke will remain a fascist free zone! The unity rally will, as was the case in all other cities, stop the EDL from getting into the city centre. To join the rally from Nottingham, you can join us on the coach organised by Unite Against Fascism and Love Music Hate Racism - it will be setting off 10:30 in the morning from Maid Marrion Way and will cost £8/£5 concession. To make sure you have a seat you can book by calling Matt on 07849 392 842
The following week Love Music Hate Racism is hosting a gig at the Maze, Mansfield Road, Nottingham - Wholesome Fish will be headlining, with Sticky Morales and Aistaguca bringing different folk/gypsy/reggae/balkan sounds - 8:30 onwards £4 on the door.
18.01.2010 14:33
Unity demos will not stop the EDL
18.01.2010 16:00
The Unity demo in Nottingham city centre did not stop the EDL from coming into the city centre in small groups.
Keep mobile, keep out of kettles and use your brains.
Against EDL but not with UAF
EDL meeting here
19.01.2010 15:36
Why do the police seem to be making them go to Weatherspoons? Shouldn't they be banning a known drunken yob group from having their meeting point in a cheap boozer?
@ matthew vacary
19.01.2010 21:47
fuck the EDL.....they'll crumble soon enough.
see you in stoke, but not in a kettle! we'll be roaming wild, looking for small groups of EDL to target with eggs and bottles of piss.