Nottingham City Council has made the unprecedented step of threatening a critical local blogger via its solicitors. In a letter sent to the author of the Nottingham City Council LOLs (NCCLOLs) blog, solicitor Jon Ludford-Thomas states that the blog "contains personal, derogatory comments regarding a number of [the City Council's] councillors and employees that could cause distress to those individuals." It requests that the author "remove these personal, derogatory comments from ncclols and refrain from posting similar such comments on ncclols or elsewhere on the internet."
The NCCLOLs blog describes itself as a resource for those who "want to know what [their] favourite local council ... gets up to?" and uses minutes of meetings and Freedom of Information requests to scrutinise what goes on in the Council chamber and beyond. In the past it has exposed some of the serious failings of Nottingham City Homes and the Council's housing benefit service.
Andy, author of NCCLOLs, said "It's not quite clear what legal basis NCC has for telling the blog not to write such things."
Previous features: Council house evictions rise 42% in Nottingham | Nottingham City Council Silences Welfare Advice Row
Newswire: Nottingham City Council Makes Vague Legal at Blogger | 3 Million Quid Spent on Housing Benefit Consultants | Nottingham Loses Out again | Housing Benefit Decision Notices Inadequate and Illegal | Big Underspend on Payments to help Poor Tenants | BNP member on NCH Disabled Person's panel
Links: Nottingham City Council LOLs | Nottingham City Council
One of the best Nottingham blogs
20.12.2009 16:28
Err, not sure about that actually
23.12.2009 18:23
A recent post named two council employees and called one a "complete shit-for-brains" and the other one a "cunt".
Not exactly Private Eye is it?
Well researched?
24.12.2009 09:38
For what it's worth, as the article linked by Evey points out, Sallyanne Johnson is the person who decided that putting the City Council's welfare rights service under the control of Housing Benefits was a good idea. That's as good a qualification for being a shit for brains as I've ever heard suggested.
As for Geoff Hibbert being a cunt, have you ever met him?
RE: Well researched?
24.12.2009 14:41
I don't have a problem with swearing in everyday conversation, but I think that your blog is weakened by its use of such direct personal insults. It puts people off - especially people who don't know why Geoff Hibbert might deserve such abuse - and it makes the whole thing easier to dismiss as tasteless ranting.
If you want to have a credible blog with a powerful message I believe it's better to present the facts, point out the conflicts of interest, expose the hypocrisy, the graft, the corruption of officials carving out personal kingdoms, etc, BUT stop short of calling people "cunt".
That way, people will come to their own conclusions about Geoff Hibbert, which will be much stronger than being told what they should think about him and his ilk.
24.12.2009 18:46
If Andy wants to call this guy a cunt surely we're all grown up enough to make our own minds up about what we think. The council's legal team are just trying to shut down a blog that has been exposing the kind of news that Jon COllins and co would rather we didn't find out about.
26.12.2009 10:40
Please feel free to do the trawl and present me with accurate figures if you wish but the blog has been going for just over a year and I reckon barely 5% of the posts include swearing and little of that is directed at any one individual. I wonder therefore why you focus on such an insignificant feature, smacks of an agenda to me.
The blog isn't meant to be all serious and part of my sense of humour includes over the op sweary ranting. Unlike NCC's solicitors the blog costs £0 of public money and as I put the work in I reserve the right to have a laugh and maybe settle a few old scores here and there.
And if you think your gold standard of satire Private Eye is above using their magazine to settle scores you clearly don't read it.I think its probably clearer when I'm doing it than when they do. And unlike them I don't nick other bloggers' material and use it without credit.
Proud of it!
04.01.2010 11:25
As a local who has been involved with both the Save Victoria Baths campaign and the NAIL protest against the East croft incinerator, I can certainly state that the Collins and Chapman city council ain't something i'm proud of. (There i've used names, sue me!)
Nottingham City Council spent £475000 last year on producing their own self back slapping publication, the Arrow. It tells us how proud we should be of Nottingham.
Your blog costs nothing and reminds our elected council members that there are a lot of things that still need working on!
If they cannot accept criticism then they should get out of politics!